Archive | January 2016

Poetry therapy

The art of writing poetry is therapy. Listening to poetry can be therapeutic as well.

According to the National Association of Poetry Therapy, “poetry therapy, or poetry which is used for healing and personal growth, may be traced back to primitive man, who used religious rites in which shamans and witchdoctors chanted poetry for the well-being of the tribe or individual. It is documented that as far back as the fourth millennium B.C.E. in ancient Egypt, words were written on papyrus and then dissolved into a solution so that the words could be physically ingested by the patient and take effect as quickly as possible. It is also recorded that around 1030 B.C.E., the music of a shepherd boy named David soothed the “savage breast” of King Saul”.

Check out some of my poetic expressions.

Grieving and grace

It has been almost two months since my mother passed away. Most stats note that it takes two years to “get over” the loss of a loved one. I am nowhere near that timeline, so I cannot say if it will be the same for me. I’ve known loss, but not the loss my mother, who I was very close to.

What has happened so far is unannounced crying spells, prolonged sadness, bursts of joy, anxiety, anger, ruminating the last memory of words mom spoke to me, feeling distant, and hope that I am processing my grief as to be expected. I believe I have been given grace so that I can press on like my mother would want me to.

Two years to a grieving person feels like an eternity. The memories of the dearly departed is what keeps me on the lookout for the turns up ahead. Telling myself healing words, supporting others who are grieving, reading inspirational material, being still, meditating, praying, journaling, drawing, and receiving support from loved ones keeps me going. Next stop… healed and joyful.